Series: Fair Point Podcast
Episode: #00 The Fair Point Episode, or "Enough To Fill The Gap"
Contributors: Nathan Kappesser, Craig Lewis
Release Date: June 13, 2012
Length: 28 minutes 47 seconds
Summary: A short introductory episode in which Craig and Nathan skip the news and banter to tell you a little bit about their podcast. You'll meet your new favorite online personalities, find out how to get to the Secret Room, and hear the Top Nine Reasons You Should Start Listening To Fair Point.
"Fair Point Podcast Opening Theme"
Nathan Kappesser
"Fair Point Podcast Closing Theme"
Nathan Kappesser
Looking back at this episode, six years later, I can safely say that it was altogether pointless and unnecessary. Fair Point did not need an introductory episode. The only thing you serve to gain by listening to this episode is a tiny bit of context for Episode #50, in which Craig and I use a time machine in to visit #00 in order to fix our relatively weak early episodes. If you are looking to experience Fair Point for the first time, don't start with this one. Only the most hardcore of completionists need bother with this at all.
~Nathan K.